The doodles below are some of what came out of me during trainings and meetings soon after my most recent reading of Neuromancer. I can only assume they are my brain working through some of the images that Gibson conjured up in my subconscious as I tried to share in shouldering some of the imaginative burden...
The skyline disrupted the natural chaos of the union between earth and air. Order and purpose marred the jagged edge, cutting smooth curves and precise angles where organic geological lines formerly existed. Their presence spoke of effort, planning, diction. Deep roots leeched from below disproportionately, allowing growth beyond what would have been in a natural state. And yet this was their nature, to do what their will willed them to do. The planning looked forward, never to what used to be... what should be.
Their monitors, like eyes wide in the darkness, searched for the irregular movement of pinpoints of light in the vast field of heavenly objects... searched for evidence of a return on their efforts... searched for the proof to warrant their long held faith that they could not be so alone in such a creation. They yearned for contact beyond themselves, forgetting that they already were in communication...
Their awareness of the transformed nature of the source awakened as the mist lifted out of the tucked in areas of the hollows and of the ravines. Shafts of understanding reached pockets of upturned minds while the subtle glow was perceived by the rest in varying increments. But over time only the psychically blind souls remained tuned to the obscurity rather than the illumination seen by the masses.
The frameworks from which they were operating had foundations in a singular directional orientation, that being time-based-forward. The existence of, the presence of, the awareness of the other forced some to accept a multi-directional, nay, an a-directional reality allowing for the unlimited potentials within "union".