Summer Break: This my 42nd post, and will be the last until next september. Summer is for beaches, hikes, sleeping in, and eating out; making home movies; watching New York tourists; reading Graphic Novels, and watching HBO television. Summer is about college baseball, and this year's Women's World Cup Futbol. Summer is a time to reinvent my focus and refine my old way of doing. Summer is a time to let the jumble settle. It is my least favorite season, but it allows for so much that is not my usual bread and butter. What a nice contrast!
Today: Today is Father's day. My daughter greeted me with a tentative grimace. She informed me that she was working on a second batch of muffins for me, as the first batch got 1.75 cups of water, not the required .75 cups. While she was working on the second batch my wife was adding Bisquick to the first batch in an experimental attempt at muffin recovery. Meanwhile I had come upstairs to work on this post and heard quiet crying a few minutes later. It seems that the second batch went into the oven without the required 2 eggs. The half cooked batch was removed, rejoined, egged, separated, and returned to the oven. Such sadness over a loving impulse to make a special breakfast for me. The care is not in the quality of the muffin, but in the desire to give...
Growing up is tough... but can also be exciting...
How can we make cakes without cracking a few eggs? How can we learn to be chefs if we cannot make mistakes? How can we learn to get up if we never fall down?
In Season 4 of The Legend of Korra, the Avatar is suffering from the anime equivalent of PTSD. She asks the healer of her village "And ... what am I going to find if ... I get through this?" Katara, the healer, answers "I don't know. But won't it be interesting to find out?"...
Taking Count: Writing this blog has felt like falling down and getting up. It has felt like experimenting with muffins. It has been... interesting... and exciting so far. With 42 posts (what an auspicious number) I have cleared 2500 views. (This is post 43. By the way, I have become interested in the number 43 recently. It seems to be occurring a lot in odd places in my life. I don't ascribe any importance to that except that I keep seeing it. I will return to 43 next fall, for certain.) If I had to pick what people stumble across if they find their way to this blog, the following is today what I choose...

- "I have lived on the lip of insanity..." (Oct. 12) *
- Movie List... (Nov. 2)
- “April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain..." (Apr. 12) *
- A moment of quiet sprinkled with a healthy dose of... (Nov. 30) *
- The Arrival... (Sept. 7)
My Favorite Posts not already listed elsewhere in this post (*):
- Doodles of 2013... (Sept. 28)
- Salt... (A Confession of sorts.) (Oct. 26)
- Looking back on two moments of peace, 25 years apart... (Mar. 1)
- Scoring tens... (May 24)

Series on Graphic Novels Started in December:
- Part 1: An introduction to the term "Graphic Novel" (with heavy Wikipedia Quoting).
- Part 2: Graphic Novels that have delighted my young children. (Recommendations with age appropriateness offered).
- Part 3: Complete Collections Recommendations (for adults).
- Part 4: Ongoing series (for adults) that I am currently reading...
Series Anchored with T.S. Eliot's Poetry:
- Preludes: “April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain..." (Apr. 12) *
- Wasteland: T.S. Eliot's Wasteland: I. Burying the Dead... (Apr. 19)
- The Hollow Men: Allusions and "a penny for the Guy"... (Apr. 26)
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