It was a bundle up your coat and pull down your hat, a see the wind press against your eyes; a feel hot breath under a scarf and fog up your spectacles kind of cold. You know that kind of crow call, hollow echo, clacking limbs, and silent stretches sort of morning where only upon lifting your head up from bracing against the chill do you catch the most magnificent pale rays filtering through the crispness...
It was a sit by the window, cracked to the damp, splitter splash drip kind of morning. You know the white noise sort of fine wire brush dragged lightly and zenfully across a brass ridged cymbal sort of thing. Dogwoods and daffodils open, crocuses and redbud yielding their color to the day. Moist oxygen rich dirt releasing it's winter harvest of smells and life where blends of morning showers and afternoon sun transform the world into an eden for the senses...

It was a sit in the shade and listen to the distant laughter of children playing kind of laziness. You know that kind of low hum of a distant mower and the chirps of tree swallows intermingled with the light ticklish tussling of leaves in swaying branches. That mid summer malaise where you close you eyes against the heat and sun and watch the shadows of light and shade play about on the inside of your eyelids...

It was a pull on a sweater and pack up a sack, lace up some boots and put on a cap sort of hand holding, slow walking sort of afternoon. You know that open heart, warm soul, dry leaf, cool breeze, warm earth sort of shuffle where the darkness of fading sun is contrasted by the glorious release of color as the trees prepare for sleep. Long rays bathe horizontally as shadows play on opposite sides, and where hands hold and sweaters embrace there is only a deep contented sigh...
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