Tales from outer turnip head...

Tales from outer turnip head...

Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Buddhist Still Life... renewal

Is the basic teaching of Buddhism—on ignorance, deliverance and enlightenment—really life-denying, or is it rather the same kind of life-affirming liberation that we find in the Good News of Redemption, the Gift of the Spirit, and the New Creation? 

― Thomas Merton, Zen and the Birds of Appetite

frozen brown sharp thawing moist smell
shoots emergence simple bud dichromatic opening wow
stark white crystalline melting glistening verdant brief life
small detail awareness royal rich yielding hopeful now

March: As seen on the interwebs:"in like a lion, out like a bastard" ... road flares and rescue trucks, three accidents seen in white-out sleet and slushy piles... salt caked undercarriage and broken leaf springs freed to crush shocks but thankfulness for no malfunction in arriving safely into April...

April: Spring snows melt... can we be done with the bastard? (or is winter coming?) -- Red Sox on my mind, dogwoods getting ready to do their thing down the coast (and the red buds and the daffodils and the tulips and the cherries and the crocuses... oh my!) -- special days and shorter nights -- mud season yes, and wild fires too... all taken care of by the budding of green, life anew...


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